

Tech, Graphics and Videogames


Here you can find info about (mostly) old tech and media, videogame reviews and blog entries about other topics I'm interested in.
I plan to put GIFs, pixelart, stamps and more resources in the 「freestuff section」, so you can use it.
Anything that isn't my original content should be credited and linked properly to its source, so please be patient if you encounter broken links or if something isn't correct; in that case I will try my best to update the site as soon as possible.
Have fun browsing! -Parallaxen

Coming Soon

Parallaxen-9 is a project that is inspired in its aesthetic presentation by 「old monochrome amber screens」. At the moment there is no option to turn the CRT effect off, but will be implemented soon for improved accessibility and readability.
Learn more about this project 「here」.

Update Log

Site uploaded
New Blog entry! -Reduced flickering -Added content
New Blog entry! -Minimal design and layout changes
-Removed chatbox -Minimal design and layout changes